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Chris Uses Noah

We ask Noah if he’s nervous at the beginning of this one and he shrugs his shoulders and says, “A little”. He’s lying. He’s ecstatic. He’s thrilled. He can hardly contain his excitement. He admits as much a few seconds later when he says he’s been waiting for this moment since he first met Chris. Noah’s been wanting that dick, and now he gets it! And boy, does Chris deliver! I think we’re all living vicariously through Noah through this whole episode as he gets to play with Chris, make out with him, suck that dick, and feel it buried deep in his hole. Chris gives Noah all he wanted, and more – what starts out as a passionate and playful session initially ends up getting totally intense as Chris takes charge and gives Noah what he knows Noah needs. Chris is so turned on by how much Noah wants him, he doesn’t miss this opportunity to completely work over a guy he knows can and will take whatever he dishes out. No doubt Chris had been looking forward to this session for awhile too, with how eagerly he goes at it owns Noah’s mouth and hole!


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