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Cine-X 7: Bribery – Hairy Wolf & Koki Castillo

Hairy Wolf is standing on the street smoking a cigarette waiting for Koki Castillo to show up. When Koki finally arrives, Hairy Wolf reminds him that he is late and time is money. They are supposed to sign a multi-million dollar deal today, but before they sign there is one thing Koki will need to do first. Hairy Wolf asks Koki to meet him in the private VIP room at CIne-X in exchange for the deal. Once inside, Koki sits waiting. When Hairy Wolf arrives, through nonverbal communication, he makes it clear that he wants to play with the Paraguayan stud. Call it bribery or curiosity – either way, Mr. Castillo begins sucking on the thick Swiss cock before having his turn at getting blown. Next, Koki receives a deep ass rimming, fingering, and tie stuffing before getting fucked raw. While riding Hairy Wolf, Koki cums intensely before getting on his knees and receiving a massive cum facial. After the hot suit sex session at Cine-X, the two men in suits are ready to sign the deal. And hopefully, this is just the first of many.


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