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Clark Davis & Wess Russel

Wess Russel celebrates his 21st birthday in a special way befitting this milestone: a flip-fuck with Clark Davis! They’ve waited a while to finally get together and their pent-up attraction is heightened by instant chemistry that’s so strong Clark can’t wait to suck Wess. His deep sucking makes Wess’ cock fully hard in less than a minute and before too long Wess returns the favor enthusiastically. And this is even though Clark’s cock is bigger than Wess realized. Clark loves Wess’ interactive sucking and he’s just as eager to work over the vocal muscle stud’s hole with his mouth & thumb until he begs for cock. Clark’s thick cock slowly stretches Wess’ hole as requested and before long he’s thrusting in deep and hard. Clark slows it down only to learn Wess wants. Soon after, as Clark gets him on his back to fuck him some more, Wess expresses the rare desire to top him! Clark agrees but first he wants to fuck him some more. Clark deep thrusts into Wess and makes him moan even louder as his precision fucking hits the bulls-eye and Wess shoots a half-load hands free! Clark still keeps going and even fucks him in mid-air..as he bounces on his cock! Finally though Clark gives Wess his turn to top. Wess fucks him sideways and on his back and shows his previously unseen talent by fucking a skyrocketing load out of Clark. He soon shoots a full thick load over and in Clark’s hole. In the afterglow they’re both VERY satisfied and Wess proclaims “Best birthday present ever!” And Clark speaks for everyone bye reiterating the message: “Happy Birthday!” Is there now a new alpha top at CockyBoys?


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