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Cock Temptation – David Dimaggio & John Brachalli

This week we introduce two new faces that matched perfectly as soon as they met in front of our cameras. Our Latin newcomer David Dimaggio is young and hung and the sight of his huge thick cock was an irresistible temptation for Brazilian beauty John Brachalli. The action begins in the bathroom while our mates are getting cleaned up. David gets excited in the shower and John joins him with his mouth watering. Every single inch of the horny meat disappears into John’s throat, while Dimaggio moans with pleasure. When the guys move to the living room the suck job continues but David wants his part and returns the favour, licking both John’s dick and ass. Once the hole is warm and wet with spit, David slides his raw monster rod in deep and pounds that ass hard with no mercy, until exploding all over John’s freshly banged hole!


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