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Colby Chambers Fucks Mickey Taylor

In this new gay porn movie release from ColbyKnox, Colby Chambers finally gets another piece of Mickey Taylor. As many of us know, Colby is extremely turned on by accents, a pretty face, and of course a nice plump ass!!! Mickey Taylor obviously hits on all cylinders!! The video starts out with a little bit of catch up and a bit of an interview with Mickey Taylor about his return to the industry. Then the boys move on to some foreplay with Mickey Taylor sucking on Colby’s impressive throbbing cock before Colby (practically foaming at the mouth) flips Mickey onto his back and makes a feast of his warm hungry asshole. After getting each other nice and worked up, Colby slips his dick inside of Mickey Taylor with his feet in the air. The energy between these two as they have at it seems to stretch right through the screen and get in your face. Mickey Taylor takes charge in the next position, bouncing that pretty ass of his up and down on Colby’s dick until he explodes without warning, delivering one of those famous geyser like Mickey Taylor cumshots all over a surprised and pleased Colby Chambers. Colby takes the opportunity to quite literally spoon feed Mickey some of his own hot man jizz. Saving the best for last, Colby finally gets to fuck Mickey in his favorite position, doggy style. Colby Chambers hammers and pounds away at Mickey’s beautiful plump ass bare as they both moan while Colby works his way to an impressive finish.


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