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Cole Connor & Morgxn Thicke – Tongue In Cheek

As production assistant Cole Connor gets Morgxn Thicke ready for his photo shoot, his hands end up exploring every inch of the model’s muscular build. The moment the session wraps, the sexual tension between the two hunks is off the charts as Cole drops down to suck off the bodybuilder’s curved cock. Wearing only a harness and black boots, Morgxn takes a seat on a nearby Fort Troff rim chair to give Cole’s eager tongue easier access to his furry slit. With his big bushy dick now stiff as a brick, Morgxn buries himself between Cole’s cheeks and begins ramming his ass across the empty studio. The production assistant moans at every bareback thrust and, after several positions, finds himself on his back, drained and eating up Morgxn’s fresh load.


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