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Cole Weston & Roman Eros

Cole Weston is already in the bed kicking back talking with Dirk once Roman Eros comes in. They shake hands and right away they take their clothes off. Cole can’t believe how big of a man Roman is but his cock loves it. Roman starts blowing Cole feeling every inch of his dick get hard in his eager mouth. They swap BJS back and forth until Roman gets bewteen Cole’s legs to spread them wide so he can get his face buried. Roman buries his tongue deep inside Cole as Cole tells him what to do. The moans coming from both of them become louder and louder as Cole gets ready to fuck Roman. Cole tells Roman to assume the position and he starts fucking him deep and hard. Roman mounts Cole’s rock hard dick and starts to ride him hard and deep. He slides all the up and down his shaft quicker and harder until Cole flips him on his back. Their balls are building up more and more and soon enough Cole shoots his hot creamy load all over Roman’s open hole and Roman unloads all over himself.


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