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Colton Andrews

Colton Andrews has done only a few videos, but wanted to start playing at ChaosMen. He had never done a solo, so I was eager to see his stroking skills. At only 145 pounds, this lean muscular guy has a whopping 8.5-inch cock on him. It looks even bigger on his narrow frame. If you love to Bottom for big dicks, you will be pleased to know that he loves to fuck dude’s asses with it. And like many good Tops, he loves to eat ass too. His favorite though is eating ass while getting his dick sucked. He said that Twinks were his favorite, but he definitely didn�t limit himself to one type of guy by any means. Colton got hard easily for the photos and video, and really played to camera, teasing us with his big rod. This Lefty, easily strokes a nice load out for us!


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