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Colton Reece, Max Konnor & Beau Butler – Tales From The Locker Room 2

Recently axed football stud Colton Reece needs to prove to Coach Max Konnor and Coach Beau Butler that he’ll do anything to get reinstated on the team. To show his commitment, Colton drops to his knees and swallows both of his coach’s cocks right in the middle of their office. After all the men trade some oral favors, Coach Max and Colton take turns barebacking Beau’s thick, luscious ass. With one man on each end of Beau, the beefy hunk takes a pounding from Colton’s hard cock while servicing Max’s 10-inch monster dick. Beau’s tight and hairy ass is enough to make Colton cum and with a few more thrusts, the young athlete shoots ropes all over his coach’s naked body. Now kneeling on the ground between his two coaches, Colton finally proves his commitment to the team as both men completely cover his face in a thick layer of coach cum.


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