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Cory Kane & Jake Hill

Cory Kane is back to welcome and top fellow Canadian and CockyBoys fan and first-timer Jake Hill! Jake wants Cory’s cock and shows him by eagerly sucking him down to his balls. Cory is in such a state of quivering pleasure he can barely reach over to play with Jake’s soon-to-be owned hole. Cory finally gets a taste of Jake’s ass when they get into a 69…with Jake still relentlessly sucking every inch of his cock. Cory is so worked up he flips over Jake to tease him from behind. Cory works in his cock in half-way and Jake begs for more, but he takes him over to the window to fuck him on his back just the way Jake likes it… and put on a show for whoever is watching! Cory drills Jake but takes the time to suck him before drilling him to the edge. Cory switches it up by plowing Jake over the sill before taking him to bed to relentlessly fuck him missionary. In time Cory finds just the right position and speed to fuck a load out of Jake. As he milks his dick, Cory pulls out to shoot his intense load over Jake. As they kiss Jake makes it known: he wants it again!


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