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Cris Denny & Danny Junior

It has always been easy for blond twink Danny Junior to get distracted while doing homework, especially when all he can think about is cock! It doesn’t take long for the boy’s notepad to become filled with doodles of big cum-squirting cocks, instead of the homework he’s supposed to be doing. And when daddy Cris Denny walks into the bedroom and sees Danny doodles, he immediately flips out and begins spanking the boy’s pert ass. Danny pleads and begs for his daddy to stop, and there’s no way Cris can stay mad at those pretty blue eyes. But there must be punishment, and so Cris whips out his fat uncut cock for the boy to suck. Without hesitation, Danny obediently tends to his daddy’s dick, and soon gets it shoved deep into his tight willing ass. The moans of pleasure coming from the blond boy assure Cris that this is a punishment Danny is enjoying every moment of, so he makes sure to drill harder and faster, and leaves the twink with a cum-coated smile that shows he definitely learned his lesson!


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