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Cruising Confidential – Buck Richards & Zachary Minx

This week’s episode of the ‘Cruising Confidential’ podcast has host Derek Kage recalling a story from Zachary Minx — the man who can’t stop thinking about getting railed by straight neighbor Buck Richards. Chilling in Zach’s apartment, watching the game, and cracking open a can, Zach is shocked when his masculine neighbor switches the game to some vintage gay porn. Zachary takes the hint and drops to his knees to swallow Buck’s impressive eight inches and his low-hanging balls. Buck returns the neighborly love by sucking Zach’s cock before going down to rim, finger, and bareback his ass. With his body covering the coffee table and drenched in sweat, Zach strokes out his load as Buck pulls out of his raw hole to unload his nut all over his satisfied neighbor.


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