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Cum Gusher – Corbin Colby & Tristan Adler

Meaty membered messiah, Corbin Colby can’t keep his hands off tasty twink Tristan Adler’s ass when we join the juicy twosome in their mirrored bedroom. Straddling King Colby’s crotch, Tristan feels the heat permeating through his pants; and, he heads down to do some delicious damage to that devastating dick! Adler pulls Corbin’s Calvin’s down, causing that famous phallus to flop out with a heavy bounce. He quickly wraps his lips around the oversized appendage, then licks the length while gearing his gullet up to deep throat the mighty monster. Adler is an expert cock sucker; so, it isn’t long before he’s slamming that super schlong down his thirsty throat all the way to Colby’s beefy balls! Eager to impale Adler’s ass, Corbin whips the boy’s nut huggers down, then instructs him to ride his cock. Following orders, Adler eases his bubble butt down on that thick stick; and, with a little help from Corbin’s huge hand, works that pipe all the way up his pretty posterior. Colby watches the boy bounce in the mirror; and, we’re also treated to a front AND back of view as Tristan’s tail gets tore UP! Cock sure Corbin directs his plaything to lay down. Then, he can puts a lusty licking down on the dude’s dick. He eats that piece like a man possessed; then, tosses Tristan’s legs up in the air and has that hot hole for dessert. Corbin stands up, and our cock cam goes down. It captures every erotic moment as Adler’s ass gets spreads once again by Corbin’s formidable cock. After standing and delivering, Mr. Colby cocks Tristan’s tailpipe on the side. He gets good and grimy here. He covers Tristan’s mouth as he moans, while continuing to cram cock inside that caboose like a beast! Apparently Adler likes it rough; because, his hog heaves out an incredible load of fresh funk, nearly completely covering his creamy thigh. What skin his spunk didn’t splatter is soon covered by Colby’s EPIC cum shot! His big beast busts ALL over Tristan’s thigh, taint, and freshly drained balls! Tristan can’t resist running his finger through the fuck load and taking a taste as the heavy breathing boy bangers kiss once more.


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