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Cum In, Stranger – Jace, Zak Bishop, Des Irez & Brett Baker

After a wild night, Brett, Des, and Jace are sleeping on the couch completely naked when a stranger comes in. The guy is roaming around the different rooms, looking for a cock to suck, and lucky for him, there are three horny studs to blow. The trio is surprised by the irruption of Zak, the horny stranger, but they never miss a chance to feed a pig bottom with dick, so they start slapping his face with their luscious boners. Nothing gets their blood pumping like a good orgy, so the four go for an intense fuck fest, greeting their new friend by playing with his asshole. Zak proves a worthy addition to the troupe, putting his cum hole to the test. The boys cum all over his hole, filling it up with their juicy load and spanking the tatted stud’s butt to see the cum drip.


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