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Cum-Watering – Breno Dias & Gabriel Martins

Gabriel needed someone to take care of his plants while he was away from his apartment. It was then that he decided to hire Breno, a very experienced gardener, accustomed to this type of service. Upon arriving at Gabriel’s apartment, the first thing Breno noticed was that his client’s plants were artificial, and he was confused about the need to take care of them, but decided he would do what he was hired to do. As soon as Gabriel left the house, Breno went to water the fake plants, and decided to make himself more comfortable. Time passed and the excitement began to set in, and Breno could only think about Gabriel’s ass. As he was alone, he decided to relieve himself right there. Lying on the living room sofa, naked and jerking off, Breno was surprised by Gabriel’s sudden return. Breno tried to disguise himself and justify himself to his client, but Gabriel could only notice Breno’s hose. Gabriel already knew that Breno was very good at gardening, but he wanted to find out how far his gifts went. Without hesitation, Breno showed that he understood everything from planting his seed, moistening the soil and watering an ass.
