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Cumming To Life – Lucifer Angel & Tyler Tremallose

You know those super horny gay comix? The ones with really cute guys sucking dick, rimming hot ass and fucking tight holes? Well, consider this scene with Lucifer Angel and Tyler Tremallose your fantasy cum true. Or better yet, your comix cumming to life! Lucifer and Tyler waste little time in making out, going straight to the hole. But Tyler wants a little something extra before giving up that perfect hole of his. He wants a blowjob, and Lucifer is all too happy to oblige. But turnabout is fair play and Tyler shows off some greedy cocksucking skills as he slobbers all over Lucifer’s fat tool. It’s not long before he straddles Lucifer and goes for a ride, bareback fucking himself as he bounces up and down. And because Tyler is all about cock up his ass, and feeling his hole getting stretched out, this is a raw fuck that lasts as long as he can take it, which is deliciously quite a while! When Lucifer takes over, however, he raw dogs the tattooed twink until he fucks the cum out of him, eventually delivering a big load of his own before reverting back to their comic book form.


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