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Cyrus Stark, Jesse Bolton & Johnny Rapid – Lake Need

After a night of gathering firewood and cooking dinner for their friends on the boat, Jesse Bolton and Cyrus Stark notice that Johnny Rapid has been pulling most of the weight. When they see Johnny fishing off the back of the boat, they join him with hopes to make him happy for all his hard work. With Johnny’s fishing pole in the water, he pulls out his dick inciting a cock sucking frenzy between Jesse and Cyrus both fighting for a taste of Johnny’s pole. As Jesse blows Johnny, Cyrus turns his focus to eating out Jesse’s smooth hole. Now that Jesse’s ass is lubed up, he climbs on top and Johnny fucks hard up into him. Making sure not to leave Cyrus out, Jesse 69’s with Cyrus while Johnny fucks Jesse bareback from behind. Johnny then switches holes and plants his cock deep into Cyrus. With Cyrus bent over between them, Johnny stretches out Cyrus while Jesse feeds him his dick. When they really want to make Johnny happy, both Cyrus and Jesse get on their knees to let Johnny jerk off on them.


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