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Czech Hunter 432

The guy I met today wasn’t very talkative. My camera was making him really nervous but at least he didn’t tell me to fuck off. Even if he did, I wouldn’t listen because he was too cute. The boy was a student so I tried to get in his pants by playing on his financial situation. Soon I was at the boy’s apartment and had a nice view at his naked body. His beautiful and muscular body was only 18 years old. I loved it. He was still shy but I think he enjoyed his first ever intimate moment with another man. He had a huge boner most of the time and sucked me pretty deep. I wanted to go for his ass but he was too scared at first. I had to offer him some serious money before he let me inside. The boy had so much fun that he even let me cum in his mouth and then he cummed, too. I think I turned him gay.


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