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Czech Hunter 485

I was in the mood for rough sex today. I went out hunting for some innocent faces I could fuck. It took only about ten minutes to find a perfect guy. This cutie was meeting a friend in a few hours, so he had enough time for a little chat. He was a bit cautious about my offers, but I managed to get him to my place. If you guys like having hardcore sex, this episode is for you. It was an expensive experience but well-worth it. First, I gave the guy a lesson in deepthroating. He didn’t take it very well, apparently my cock was too big. Then I turned my attention towards his tight virgin asshole. I bet he wasn’t so sure about saying yes to this deal anymore as I absolutely obliterated his sweet ass. Well, he didn’t want to give me his number after we were done. Not so sure if he really liked our time together as much as I did.


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