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Czech Hunter 515

This blond cutie was in Prague for sightseeing. Originally from a small town in Southern Bohemia, he felt a bit unsure in the capital. I could tell he was nervous and shy while I was talking to him. Such a typical small town dude… I loved him from the beginning. Fortunately, he was unemployed and extra money was quite tempting. He whipped his nice shaven cock right in the street and then followed me to my place for more fun. I got a bit suspicious when I saw his semi boner… Either he was bi-curious or just horny. Maybe both… all that mattered was the nice blowjob he gave me and that his ass had never been defiled before. I was his first, I’m pretty sure of that. He struggled a lot but eventually took my cock like a real man. And had plenty of fun doing so. We both did.
