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Czech Hunter 569

I rented a nice hotel room in a different part of Prague as a base for my naughty adventures. For the first evening I decided to just walk through the surrounding streets. It was raining so it took a while before I met someone. This young man was putting up posters for a friend. Doing all the work for free, he was tempted by an easy way to make cash. I could tell the dude was a bit scared of me, so I put on my best smile and convinced him to follow me to the hotel room. I undressed him and enjoyed the view of his lean body. He kept his word and started sucking my cock. After a while I couldn’t take it any longer and simply shoved it up his virgin ass. It hurt him a bit, but he got used to it soon. In the end this dude was fucking like an old whore. He even made his huge dong cum.


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