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Czech Hunter 633

A handsome tourist from Poland bumped into me the other day. His Czech was rather bad as was my Polish, which didn’t make things any easier. The dude’s good look was the only reason why I bothered to help him. I couldn’t let such a cutie slip through my fingers. He got to Prague by hitchhiking and now wanted to do some sightseeing. I agreed to take him to Petrin hill. It’s a nice park, where one can easily hide. It’s a perfect place for outdoor sex, one of my favorite. So, we made a little deal. The guy was quite open-minded, he knew well that my help won’t be for free. He came to Prague for holidays but that didn’t stop him to make some easy cash. He got on his knees and sucked me off. Then I bent him over and took care of his ass. I’m surprised he endured it because I wasn’t exactly gentle.


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