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Czech Hunter 779 – Valentine Special

I really wanted to do something special this Valentine’s Day. Maybe invite three of my sex buddies and have an amazing foursome. I called a few dudes I met before and arranged a little party at my apartment. First, we had fun playing Valentine’s Day games for money. I let the guy’s kiss and suck each other while enjoying the view. My friends liked it a lot and tried hard to win as much cash as possible. All the dudes were ripped and full of testosterone. No surprise they got horny quickly. We had to move from games to more serious stuff. Everyone got comfortable on the bed and took care of other people’s cock. When the guys wanted more money, I had a very simple solution. I fucked their beautiful asses hard. This was the best Valentine’s Day of my life. And quite a bit romantic even. Denny Chris (aka Denny Cock and @DennyChrissXXXand Lada Levka).
