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Czech Hunter 779

I saw a guy walking in the distance. He looked somewhat familiar. Then it hit me like a train. I had a threesome with him not that long ago! I didn’t see the dude since so it was nice to bump into him. The dude was free and needed money. That was perfect because I was horny as hell. I invited him to my place and presented my offer. As long as it paid nicely, this slut was in. And he did a great job. The only problem was his tight ass. That hole couldn’t take my cock for long. I was too big for him. Well, he also had a massive boner, so we improvised. I got comfortable on my back and let him slide it in my ass. This ride was intense, I even had to slow the stud down because he wanted to pound me hard. Then he exploded all over my bed. I didn’t mind the mess and added my load right on his cute body.


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