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Dakota Lovell, Eddie Patrick & Luca Luv – This is How You Serve The Order

President Patrick has had high hopes for Elder Lovell since the very beginning. He knows this young and pure boy will be a lighthouse for his fellow elders. Staying away from the path of sin isn’t easy, and the sacred order has secret ways to teach newcomers how to cope with lust. Luca, an eager new addition to the brotherhood, must learn how to serve his brethren and find his role in it. President Patrick summons Dakota to show Luca how to be the order’s humble servant. Dedication and discipline are crucial to carrying on God’s mission, and temptations will come along the way. Still, Dakota’s willingness to do anything his superiors tell him is the first step to this. President Patrick and Luca undress for a demonstration of Elder Lovell’s luscious disposition, one of Dakota’s favorite activities in the mission, and the chance to follow his deepest and darkest desires without getting punished.


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