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Dakota Lovell & Eddie Patrick – You Can Tell Me in the Shower

It’s a hot sunny day and Eddie is taking care of his backyard. While watering his plants and cleaning the pool, he realizes that his stepson is looking at him with sad eyes. The boy is clearly upset, so Eddie follows him inside to see what’s going on. Yet, he’s absolutely dirty after so much gardening, so he asks Dakota to join him in the bathroom while he cleans himself. Dakota agrees and follows him into the bathroom to share his miserable college experience. The girl he likes is basically ignoring him for not having any hair on his smooth body and he’s feeling less of a man. Eddie quickly talks him out of it and shares with him some insights he learned from his coach at school to look more manly. The two men get naked and share a tender moment together, rubbing each other innocently until the heat of the moment gets the best of them…


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