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Dakota Payne, Dan Saxon & Dick Dawson – Califuckinfornia

Road trip buddies Josh Moore and Dan Saxon have wildly different opinions about casual sex, as proven when they pull into a gas station to fill up the tank on their van. Josh uses the bathroom where cute cocksucker Dakota Payne is cruising the urinals and waving his big boner. Josh spots Dakota and scurries back out to the gas pump. Dan takes his turn, and his time, once he discovers Dakota and a glory hole stall inside. Never one to turn down an opportunity for sex or a sweet hot mouth, Dan puts his girthy uncut dick through the hole. Dakota pounces and works Dan’s meat for all it’s worth in a sloppy, drool dripping blowjob while Josh waits impatiently in the van. Dan joins Dakota in the stall, to better fuck his face and throat, and hunky stud Dick Dawson comes in to fill the other glory hole and give Dakota all the big cock the trashy toilet troll craves. Dan glazes Dakota’s sweet face with an enormous load right in the eye and leaves him to polish off Dick’s dick as he joins Josh back in the van.
