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Dallas Ari Takes Every Bit Of Chris Star’ Cock

“Feelin’ kinda horny,” Dallas says, pulling Chris’s pants down right inside the bedroom door. Dallas’s huge cock is already hard, pitching a tent in his gym shorts. They kiss and Dallas plays with Chris’s flaccid cock before laying him on the bed and sucking his dick until it swells and stiffens. Chris’s curls bob on his head as his mouth envelopes Dallas’s long cock, mounted over him. Ready to help his horny friend with a fine fuck, Dallas moves to all fours and Chris seamlessly slides his ready erection into his asshole. “Don’t pull away,” Chris mentions. The only excuse Dallas has is the size of Chris’s cock being a bit too much to handle at first. But he perseveres, setting his hips back against Chris and receiving his hard member over and over again. The curly-haired top gives Dallas a playful slap on the ass and continues to pound into him, feeling his cock tight in this forbidden space. Now in control, Dallas sits on Chris’s cock, his white skin contrasts against Chris’s tan as their balls bounce together in rhythm. Moans leave Dallas’s lips every time he sits deeper onto Chris’s cock. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Chris announces, pulling his cock out and bringing himself to orgasm, hot cream spilling onto the both of them before sliding his cock back into his friend’s asshole for one last satisfying squeeze.


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