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Dance On Us – Xavier Ryan, Billy Saint & Justin Cross

Xavier Ryan and Justin Cross visit a strip club, where they encounter Billy Saint, a cute twink more than happy to be your very own private dancer. Except when they take him home, Billy does a lot more than just dance for them. He’s soon sucking two juicy cocks, working Xavier, then Justin, all while still stroking Xavier! Guess that’s what they call multi-tasking. Shortly after, Billy gives Xavier a personalized lap dance, which consists of Xavier’s raw cock balls deep inside Billy’s hole. While riding Xavier, Billy is presented with Justin’s cock, which he devours. Skewered from both ends, Billy focuses on Xavier, bareback fucking himself, then moves to Justin and bounces on HIS big dick. Xavier and Justin tag team fuck Billy until they’re ready to unload, giving him two enormous cum facials before the tiny dancer fires off a load of his own, while still coated in jizz!


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