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Dane & Andy Get Busy

Dane makes the most of it whenever he gets a chance to bury his dick in one of his fellow CF studs, and deliver the kind of intense fuck he’s found himself on the receiving end of here. He likes to remind us he’s fully versatile, though I don’t think any of us could ever forget that fact given how much of a stud we’ve seen him be drilling some of the other guys before! Andy’s got something to say in all this too, though! He wants us to know he can bottom with the best of them – he totally loves having a hard dick in his hole, and loves the feeling of getting railed! He can even be a take charge bottom, getting Dane on his back, sitting down on Dane’s dick, and taking it deep! Andy has a super hot cock on him – big, and thick, and Dane’s dick drilling his hole gets Andy’s cock hard and stiff and pointing towards the sky. Dane’s relentless pounding also ends up fucking a huge load out of Andy, that sprays all over before it’s Dane’s turn to blast off an equally impressive cum load!


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