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Dane & Elian Double Loading Noah’s Arse

Well, it’s official – Noah is the luckiest guy on the planet. Not only is he getting fucked by Dane here, but he’s also getting fucked by Elian – and he’s even getting doublefucked by both of them! I suspect there are a great many CF subscribers who’ve often fantasized about being in the precise spot Noah finds himself in here – on his knees with Elian and Dane feeding him their dicks, on his back with his legs in the air while Elian fucks his ass and Dane fucks his throat, having Dane and Elian taking turns on his hole and mouth as they spitroast and use him every which way, then riding Elian’s hard cock while Dane buries his stiff dick in alongside it. With both Dane and Elian’s cocks in his hole at the same time, Noah is whining and whimpering and holding on for dear life! He’s clearly loving it, though, and all of Elian’s dirty talk and the encouragement Elian is whispering in to his ears must certainly help with that. Indeed, while it’s Dane and Elian who are completely going to town on Noah’s hole, Noah’s the one who blows his load first. And at the end of this episode, when Noah’s hole is totally drenched in both Dane and Elian’s loads and the video fades out to black, it’s Noah who’s lying there still recovering and looking like he’s just had the best half hour of his life!


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