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Danny D

Danny D makes himself more comfortable once he lies down on the bed and spreads his thick muscular legs. His golden hair on his body glistens as the lube slides up and down his cock. He likes to stroke his hard cock fast with a bear grip. The intensity on Danny’s face tells you he is committed to releasing his balls and giving us a great show. His muscular chest reveals itself in great form once Claude is under him revealing his furry balls and the sounds of his hands sliding up and down his hard dick. You can see his sexy chest in the background as well as his face while he has a firm grip on his throbbing dick. Danny jumps back onto the bed and continues stroking his dick with a pace never seen before. You know he is ready to blow his load when his face becomes lost in the moment and he gives a warning shot and shoots up to his knees where he lets his warm cum spray all over the bed sheets. He has one big beautiful load.


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