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Danny Fontana & Martin Hlozek – Airport Security

Danny Fontana is in charge of Airport Security when Martin Hlozek is sent to see him. It seems that Martin has been spotted finding a wallet that he kept instead of handing it in. Martin declares his innocence, claiming to no nothing about a wallet. Danny has to search him so Martin takes off his tee shirt. Danny then feels over Martin and finds a wallet when the jeans are opened. He tells Martin to remove the jeans so he can check of any other items. Martin has to strip completely. He is roughly pushed to his knees and told to suck on Danny’scock. Danny drops his pants and makes Martin suck him. Martin gags on the cock as he gets good and hard. But he keeps sucking it. Danny grabs Martin’s head and fucks his cock into the hot mouth. Martin sucks the stiff cock and licks the balls too. But Danny wants more and bends him over the desk. Despite his protestations Martin soon gets that stiff cock up his tight ass hole. Danny fucks hard into that tight ass, going balls deep with each thrust. He pulls out and slides all the way in again as he fucks. Then he turns Martin over, onto his back, and fucks him more. Martin’s dick is rock hard too and a few tugs makes the cum fly. Danny keeps fucking as Martin milks himself dry. Then he pulls out and pushes Martin to his knees to cum over his face. He then slides his dick back into Martin’s mouth to be cleaned off.


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