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Danny Fontana & Milos Hek

With Danny Fontana in charge of Airport Security Milos Hek can be assured of a hard time. He didn’t have everything correct, so was sent to Danny. It seems he doesn’t have enough money to cover the fees he needs to pay. He suggests there must be a solution. Danny surely has one, and he opens his pants, dropping them and pulling out his cock. Milos will have to suck that cock, but it somewhat reticent. However soo the cock is in his mouth and he starts to suck it. Danny fucks it into Milos’ mouth as it stiffens. The cock is rock hard and Milos does a good job of taking it in his mouth, as Danny fucks hard. But Danny wants more than just sucking. He bends Milos over the desk, pulling down his pants. Then he spanks on the bare ass before shoving his cock deep inside. Milos moans as he feels Danny pounding his tight ass hole so hard. Danny give the ass a spank of two as he fucks. Milos lays on the desk as Danny fucks him balls deep. Then Milos gets naked and wanks himself hard while Danny keeps fucking. Soon the hot cum flies out of Milo’s cock with Danny’s dick working his hole. Then he kneels before Danny to catch his cum on his face. The spent cock is shoved back into Milos’ mouth so he can clean it off too.
