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Darker – Jacob Lord & Jonathan Miranda

On the first week of the new year, we change the game’s rules on Menatplay and discover a darker side to Panamanian, leather-clad exec Jacob Lord. What surprise is Jacob Lord hiding in his home? In Jacob’s secret playroom, we find Jonathan Miranda, blindfolded and bound to a chair at the mercy of his master, with his cock hard and ready to play. Jonathan is on the mindset that his purpose is to serve, obey, and fulfill his Master’s deepest fantasies. The two studs slowly begin to engage in a consensual power exchange; the sub (Jonathan) willingly handing over power to the Dominant (Jacob). The Master’s tongue begins working up and down his slave’s cock. Jonathan feels intense arousal and is unable to control his body as the pleasure mounts from getting serviced and fucked to the point of shooting his load of cum.


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