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Deja Vu In Argentina – Franco Emar & Grosso XL

Grosso XL touches down in Buenos Aires. He’s finally visiting one of his bucket list cities and taking an opportunity to reconnect with his old friend, Franco Emar. Franco hasn’t seen XL in about 10 years but he has turned into a bit of a young hustler. Almost immediately upon entering the unit, he admits to Grosso the place is very familiar. It was dark, but he thinks he fucked a client over on the couch. Grosso graciously offers to show him all the amenities the unit has to offer– starting with his big dick! Grosso puts his big tool to use as he throat fucks Franco in the foyer before giving Franco some great rimming over on the couch, he takes him doggy style on the stairs and Franco bounces up and down on his thick shaft. They explore every inch of the unit and make their way to the rooftop, and fuck in the hot tub, cumming all over. Grosso leaves Franco glanded and shoots on Franco’s abs.


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