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Derek Kage & Greg Dixxon – Tongue In Cheek

There’s nothing Derek Kage enjoys more than the sight of a shirtless Greg Dixxon breaking a sweat while doing some serious mechanical work on his truck. After exchanging a few knowing glances with his customer, the mechanic adjusts his jumpsuit so Derek can eat out his muscle daddy ass in the middle of the garage. Derek then begins using his big dick to fuck Greg against his vehicle — but not before sliding a few fingers and a nearby socket wrench into Greg’s delicious hole. The versatile auto technician returns the favor by rimming Derek in the bed of his ride and toying with his ass until he’s ready to mount him and stuff Derek full of bareback daddy cock. Soon, Derek is moaning as a flip-fucking Greg blasts and breeds his insides. Once he’s finished watching the cum drip out of Derek’s used hole, Greg drops down to have Derek deliver a creamy facial that leaves him covered in hot seed.


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