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Detention Turns Into an Orgy – Johnny Ford, Trevor Brooks, Spikey Dee & Shadow

Mr. Ford has given Trevor, Shadow, and Spikey D’s in his class. Now, they have to meet their teacher after class for a very special detention. It’s late at night, dark, and the boys are a bit confused about what’s going on, but the sense of danger sends a rush of blood to their cocks. Suddenly, they start jerking off their cocks when Mr. Ford comes in. He looks mad and tells them they have failed his class for the last time. The kids feel a bit sorry and want to make it up to their hunky teacher somehow, so they decide to strip him naked and turn him into their pig bottom. The teacher’s nerves go down instantly as he is surrounded by his students’ dicks, slapping his face while he tries to suck them. Up next, they grab the hunky teacher’s luscious ass to fuck it raw. Detention becomes a real fuck session as the students pound Mr. Ford’s hole and shower him with creamy cum to make it up for their failing grades.
