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Devin Franco & Cole Connor – The Territory

After breaking into his family home and stealing the deed for ‘The Territory’, Cole Connor celebrates with his investor buddy Devin Franco. They share a sloppy wet blowjob on the kitchen table, which continues until Devin takes position on all fours to get tongue-fucked by Cole. Deep licks and curious fingers probe Devin’s ass until Cole gets on the table so Devin can ride him bareback. Devin hops off and they move to the living room to 69 and fill each other’s hungry mouths. Still insatiable as when they started, Devin lowers his ass down on Cole’s meat again. Devin rides feverishly until his legs give out, and he ends up on his back getting stuffed deep with Cole’s cock until he shoots all over himself. With Devin covered in his own load, Cole jerks his pole until he blasts a thick load on Devin’s face. Will these seedy developers make off with the deed and steal the land?


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