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Devin Trez & Gus Del Rey – Let’s Get Quenched!

After a dip in the pool, Devin Trez’s thick cock is bulging out of his SUKREW brief. Gus Del Rey takes notice of the throbbing member and strips them both down to suck Devin’s cock. After getting his throat fucked, Gus bends over to give Devin total access to his hole with his tongue. Devin takes his time licking Gus’ hole and cock before laying back and sticking his cock up into Gus’ tight ass. Switching positions, Gus bends over to take Devin’s pole bareback and doggy-style. Devin doesn’t hold back as he pounds away at Gus’ prostate. After changing up positions, Gus sits back and strokes out a load that covers his abs. Devin follows and jerks thick ropes that add to the sticky mess on Gus’ belly.


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