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Dieter Haas & Rajeev Kapur – Cocksure

Having a wank on your own is always a pleasure, of course; but, as the adage goes, two heads are better than one, and no less so when it comes to enjoying the best boy-on-boy sex. As such, Dieter Haas and Rajeev Kapur – both new lads to the STAXUS scene – are soon relishing the pleasure of each other’s hard dicks; taking it in turns to gobble away feverishly on throbbing cock, before the exotic-looking Kapur flexes his pert little rump in Haas’s direction and invites his pal to give him the furious rimming that he feels he deserves. And believe us, Haas doesn’t let him down. Why, Kapur’s soon being given the kind of tonguing that dreams are made of; and it should come as no surprise to anyone that the young refugee is soon getting his guts filled with the entire length of Haas’s thick, aching ramrod. At which point we are quickly treated to a wanton display of twink copulation – the kind that we know you dirty fuckers crave for almost as much as our boys themselves. What’s more, it’s fabulously topped off by one of the hottest facials imaginable, as Kapur’s mouth and chin are left coated by a multi-shot explosion; before the two lads sign off with a stick, tasty smooch!


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