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Dillon Diaz & Avery Jones – Tales From the Locker Room

For a hot young twink like Avery Jones who fantasizes about sports heroes and stealing their dirty underwear from the laundry, a job as Towel Boy is a dream come true. Heavy on the cum, it turns out, for just as he thinks the locker room is deserted and he can bust one out sniffing and sucking on sweaty jockstraps, he gets busted by Coach Dillon Diaz. This isn’t the first time, and Avery was warned what would happen: buff Coach Dillon slowly strips down to nothing but his whistle, feeds the boy his thick hard dick, eats his ass upside down, tonguing him deep to get him wet and ready, then delivers a slow and intense raw, bareback fuck that leaves Avery a quivering heap of grateful cum covered power-bottom.


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