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Dillon Diaz, Cole Connor, Eric Charming & Shae Reynolds – Making The Grade

Coach Cole Connor and Professor Dillon Diaz are shocked when young students Eric Charming and Shae Reynolds show up at their house trying to exchange their assholes for some easy extra credit. Never one to say no to an open, raw hole, Cole agrees to the boys’ proposal and immediately shoves his tongue into some smooth student ass with Dillon joining in soon after. It isn’t long until both daddies are balls deep in the college bros and all four of them are rotating between fucking and sucking every hole and pole in the room. After both twinks have had a turn riding each available daddy dick, Shae asks to see the two older hunks fuck each other. More than happy to oblige, Cole squeezes his thick meat into the professor’s ass. Dillon quickly returns the favor by stretching out the coach’s hole with his stiff cock before Cole is ready to give both Eric and Shae a soaking wet facial. Covered in a sea of coach cum, both students blow their loads onto Dillon’s face, who then shoots his creamy milk into Cole’s open and ready mouth.


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