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Well, we’re all huge fans of Dillon already. And I’m sure you will be also, mere seconds in to watching his introductory solo. Dillon stands out to me as one of the most personable, friendly, charismatic young guys we’ve had in awhile. He settled in immediately here, and won us all over with his charms. In some ways, I think Dillon was born half a century too late. He’d have been right at home in Haight-Ashbury in the 60s, and dancing around nude at Woodstock. He just really does perfectly epitomize “Good vibes only” and when you’re around him you can’t help but have his good vibes rub off on you. Speaking of rubbing off (you knew that was coming), Dillon is an absolute natural stripping down and stroking off in front of our cameras. Clearly he likes to show off and loves the idea of others watching, and that’s obvious throughout his solo session. He’s not just jerking off – he’s making love to himself. Spoiler Alert: You’re going to love those moments when he makes eye contact with the camera!


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