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Dirty Scout 275

This young man wasn’t exactly a candidate with huge potential. He was 25 years old, still lived with his parents, and had only one job during his life, from which he got fired for being lazy. He was a trained cook but had no actual experience. I wasn’t going to risk our agency’s good name and refused to hire him as a cook, Instead, I offered him a job as a construction worker. It was less fancy than cooking but much better paid. He was a bit disappointed but agreed. The poor guy didn’t have 5 000 Crowns to pay our mediation fee, so he almost went home empty handed. Thank god I was horny as hell, so I suggested a little deal. He needed money badly, so I got exactly what I wanted. Well, he didn’t have too much fun, his ass was tight, but why should I care? He got paid after all.


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