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Do you want milk? – Leo Oak & Enzo Lima
April 9, 2022
30 min
The couple Angel and Léo Oak donating some clothes for the homeless. Angel notes that one of the bags is missing and get home to take it. Meanwhile, her husband, Léo Oak, finds a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk and ask him if he want some clothes. The homeless Enzo Lima takes his clothes off to put the new one, revealing his big dong cock. Enzo notes Leo stares his meat and ask for Leo to take him to a more reserved and calm place. Léo accepts the suggestion, takes the car and they go to a better place. Léo goes crazy with lust in the cock of the hung homeless and falls with his mouth on it, sucking with a lot of desire that huge cock. Enzo goes crazy with lust feeling Leo’s hot mouth devouring his juicy cock inside the car. Léo can’t resist the temptation and gives his ass very yummy to Enzo feeling the hard fucking of the homeless’ cock entering his yummy ass. The two enjoy very tasty and are naked inside the car. Time passes and Angel looks for her husband and finds him naked inside the car with the homeless. She is furious and asks to open the door, after seeing that she has no way out, Léo opens the door and Angel hits Enzo Lima who is all beaten up. “Do you want my load?” it’s the kind of movie that will make you cum watching these two delicious nasties guys fucking in the car.