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Dom King & Craig Marks – Gentlemen 34: Kings Of Industry

The powerful KING OF INDUSTRY Dom King is back at his luxurious weekend home, and he has another admirer from the office with him. when you operate your own company, being the big boss sure has its advantages; it allows Dom King to staff up with some beautiful men he can seduce. And it’s not hard when you look and act like Dom—just ask Craig Marks. And make no mistake—Craig has zero issues getting a man with his own looks and body. Because Craig Marks is a knockout of a man. But Craig is also attracted to Dom’s power and charisma, and so when he and Dom playfully fall into the pool while they are still in their suits, the play quickly turns hardcore. Soon Craig is sucking on the huge erection of Dom King. Dom can’t keep his hands off of Craig, and he needs to fuck his subordinate in the ass deep and hard as soon as possible!


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