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Dom King & Greyson Myles

A hot hook-up between Dom King & Greyson Myles turns out to be even hotter than both guys anticipated! After enticing pic exchanges, dominant muscle daddy Dom shows up to get a nice surprise: Greyson naked and ass up, and totally ready to be his eagerly submissive “dirty little slut”. Greyson goes beyond simply servicing Dom’s cock by deep-throating him, taking his face fucking, and still wanting more. Dom loves Greyson’s vocal subservience and his begging to be fucked, but wants Greyson to work for it. Dom cock teases and eats him out and tests Greyson’shole control before he fucks him. Dom lives up to his name again by fucking and manhandling Greyson every way he wants, even making him cum slightly, hands-free while riding him. They just keep fucking almost non-stop, getting even wilder and rougher until Dom pounds a full load out of Greyson and then gives the cum hungry bottom a facial. Dom finishes by giving top pleaser Greyson his tagline compliment: “You did good, kid”.


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