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Dominik Balta & Nico Vegas

Nico Vegas is shackled to the training machine, with his eyes blindfolded too. He struggles against the ties, asking for help. But help is not necessarily at hand. Instead there is a masked Dominic Balta. He gropes and slaps Nico, reaching into the pants too. Soon Dominic opens Nico’s pants and they come down as the hot ass gets spanked. Hand spread the cheeks to show the hole too as the ass is spanked. A whip is used on the hot ass too, with Nico writhing as it lands. Then he he is turned and sits as he is made to suck on Dominic’s rock hard cock. Nico gags as he head is pulled onto the cock. He takes the cock balls deep in his mouth though and sucks it well. Then he licks Dominic’s balls too. After than he is bent over to take that big cock up his ass. Moaning loudly Nico takes that dick as he fucks deep into his hole. His own cock is hard too as his hole is pounded so hard. Then Nico lays over the punching bag to get his hole filled again. His dick is held back through his legs as his ass is fucked hard. Then Dominic moves Nico, and fucks him as he wanks himself. Nico is so turned out and quickly shoot his load as Dominic keeps fucking. Then he pulls out and shoots his cum over Nico’s face, and into his hot mouth. Nico sucks on the spent cock to clean it up as cum clings to his face.


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