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Dominik Balta & Patrik Skandal – Airport Security

Patrik Skandal is sent into the Airport Security office to see Dominik Balta who is in charge. It seems there is confusion about his driver’s licence status due to heavy fines. It seems there is little chance of getting his licence back.However Dominik does have one suggestion which may surprise Patrik. It woudl involve Patrik getting naked. But that doesn’t happen. Instead Dominik suggests that Patrik should suck his cock. Despite pleading Patrik soon realises that the only option is to suck that cock. So Dominik sits on the desk and opens his pants. He pulls out his big cock and hte balls. Patrik reaches out to wank the cock and then is persuaded, with a hand on his head, to suck it. He keeps working on the cock as Patrik moans. The cock is rock hard and Patrik gets into it, sucking on the balls too. But Dominik needs more and he makes Patrik strip off and bend over the desk. He spanks the sexy ass and the shoves his big cock deep inside. Patrik moans as that cock fucks into his tight ass hole. Then he lays on the desk, legs up, and wanks himself hard as Dominik fucks him more. With Dominik pounding his ass hard Patrik shoots his hot cum over his sexy body. Dominik keeps fucking until he is ready to cum too. then he pulls out and Patrik drops to he knees, eager to catch the cum. Dominik shoots his load over the face and chest and into Patrik’s mouth Patrik the sucks on the sticky cock to clean it uff, hoping to get his licence back.
